
Let me begin by saying that this entry is potentially semi-disturbing to some individuals. It’s not outright offensive (if it was I wouldn’t post it) but it’s a little trippy and if you’re the type to get freaked out then this might not be for you.  Also note there is ambient sound that goes with these so keep your volume in check.

So, Oculart (this is an archived version), is a series of digital works by artist Geoffrey Lillemon wherein he takes static images and collages and then slightly animates them, just enough to create a sense of space or energy. These mpages take a few moments to load so keep that in mind. Here are some screen shots:

As you can see this stuff is really surreal and not for everybody. Most of these are pretty old and reflect a time when internet access speed was slower than today, so that had to be taken into account during the creation of these. You can see these projects have a grainy, digitized quality to them but I think that was part of the original design.

I think these obviously have more to do with art than design but it fits into  the creative exploration of the digital world important to IFDM so I feel like it is legitimately placed here.

These are pretty murky, they all have a certain hellish quality about them. I certainly wouldn’t want to stare at this all day but I love the idea of exploring strange new worlds.

I think, as trippy as these are, there is still a sense of composition to these.

I think you get the idea.  Like I said these are pretty old, some of them over ten years old. It would be interesting to see what this artist or another can do with more bandwidth. Try to watch these when your girlfriend isn’t around so she doesn’t break up with you for being weird.

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