Week 2: 2 ADVANCED site


2Advanced (link above) is a web design company based in Los Angeles. They produce a lot of microsites and motion graphics, a lot of it for advertising. When Macromedia Flash (now Adobe) became popular as an authoring environment 2Advanced was on the forefront of using it for design. The version you see here is an archived version, of about four now, if I am not mistaken. Below is a screen capture:

In class today Professor Castillo spoke about knowing our past, and where things came from, so that we could plan and problem-solve today and in the future. I chose this archive in particular because this really made me want to see what I could do with Flash, myself. The future of Flash on the web is up in the air right now, with many features replaced by HTML. Another note is that the type of design on this site is from a different era of web design. I still like the overall presentation, with the ambient music, monochromatic theme, and nice touches like the cloud time-lapse visuals and architectural elements. You really feel like you occupy an environment here.

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