Opacity: Red Velvet Paradise

Opacity is a web site with a focus on abandoned structures and the decay that accompanies them. If it sounds unusual it’s actually pretty neato when you get a chance to look around. If it sounds like a waste of time just look around and you will see that there is in fact a measurable aesthetic to decay, and it is quite beautiful.

In this post I have examples from the Opacity page Red Velvet Paradise.

The combination of the original theatrical forms with the worn materials creates a completely different kind of space. It might not be what was intended, but it has, in my view, a lot of character.

What type of soundtrack would I generate for an environment such as this? What sort of forgotten ghosts disappeared into the faded walls? The latent memories implied can be an endless source of inspiration.

I imagine what it must be like to explore this space. When I was younger I would often seek out isolated places like this and just hang around, taking in the ambiance when I was too young to even appreciate that I was doing just that. Now that I have a refined sense of space and structure I can appreciate things like this even more. If you see any appeal in this then I urge you to visit the site. You can literally spend hours there viewing all sorts of incredible new and unexpected ruins and vistas of decay.

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